St. Paul's


Through our ministries including Altar Guild, Choirs, Music and Liturgy, Worship & Music will develop devoted followers of Jesus Christ by providing a worship setting that is welcoming, where the Word of God can be heard, read, prayed, experienced and learned and we can grow in our faith.

Through our Worship and Music Ministries we are inspiring spiritual growth in the community of Christ.  These ministries include Children’s Sermons, the Sanctuary, Praise, Sunday School and Bell Choirs, teams of lectors, ushers, assisting ministers, acolytes and communion assistants, online accessibility to worship, and a variety of liturgy settings throughout the year.

As stated in the Evangelical Lutheran Worship we are intentional about the use of the word “assembly.” We are the people of God, assembled around Word and sacrament. For this reason we practice the following:

God’s Word as revealed through the Bible is the cornerstone of our faith and life.

Baptism is celebrated within the context of Sunday worship because we believe that it requires a community of faith to help one another grow in Christ.

Holy Communion is celebrated weekly because Jesus connected Word and Sacrament through his becoming flesh and living among us.

Worship is a continuing journey as we gather to worship to be inspired by the Holy Spirit as we confess our sins, praise God, hear God’s Word, wash in the waters of baptism, offer our gifts with thanksgiving, eat and drink at the Lord’s table, and then are sent by Christ into the world to proclaim the Good News as it has been revealed to us.

Worship and Music