St. Paul's


Each week the Altar Guild prepares the worship space to provide a meaningful and sacred worshiping atmosphere. Our approach is relational, being ministers of God’s people as well as ministers of God, the liturgy and worship space.

Altar Guild

Each week the Altar Guild prepares the worship space to provide a meaningful and sacred worshiping atmosphere.  This preparation also includes weddings, funerals, Lenten services and all liturgical festival Sundays and seasons.  The Altar Guild insures that all paraments, banners, linens and altar supplies are clean and available for each particular service.

Since the worship space is a place where people assemble for an encounter with God, we have several guidelines for the space: beauty, simplicity, quality, worthiness and appropriateness.  The members of the Altar Guild are grateful servants of God, being ministers of God’ people, the church liturgy and the worship space.