St. Paul's


Students learn about the meaning of the sacrament of Holy Communion, which is a time to celebrate that God is present with us and, that through God’s grace, He has freed us from the power of sin and death.

First Communion

We believe that children of all ages are welcome at the Lord’s Table.  Since we receive the sacrament not by earning it but entirely through the grace of God we look to our parents to provide guidance as to when their children should receive it.  A two-hour First Communion Instruction session is offered each year during the season of Lent for children who are in the second grade or higher.   Children participating in the session receive their First Communion on Palm/Passion Sunday.  Parents of children unable to attend this session can arrange an alternative time for the child to be instructed by speaking with the Pastor.  The instruction session is filled with some reading and watching a video as well as with arts and crafts.  Contact the church office to register your child for the next session.

First Communion Instruction for Grades 3-6: Sunday, March 27, 2022 12-2:30 PM
Students will receive first communion on Palm/Passion Sunday:
April 10 at the 10:30 AM worship service.